
New japanese spine-therapy, it is painless for the patient. As a result of the treatment the patient’s condition becomes better immediately, and up to 100% of pain is over.

Through this therapy you can help effectively patients suffer from lower back pain caused by lumbago, ischialgia, or spinal disc herniation.

With the help of this therapy you treat the dysfunction of SI joint (cause of lower back pain) which results that pain is over. This therapy is very effective, safe and painless.


It is a totally painless

japanese spine-therapy!

It is a brilliant japanese therapy that treats spine and motion sicknesses. It is nowadays very widespread in Japan so we can say it is one of the most effective therapies but it is not known in Europe yet.

There are such chiropractors in Japan who use only this therapy instead of chiropracting.

The therapy’s essence: the joint (called SI joint) between the sacro-bone and hip-bone is moved, the tension in the joint is eased that reduces or ends lower-back pain.  Professor Hakata (who has developed this therapy in Japan) thinks that mostly SI joint is responsible for lower-back pain if it is under tension. In many cases, lower-back pain has not been solved after spinal disc herniation has been operated. That is why he had started to search the reason of pain in the background. It has been cleared that dysfunction of SI joint is the reason of pain. This therapy helps to end this dysfunction.

The therapy itself can be applied for several kind of lower-back pain. It can happen that your lower-back pain is not caused by spinal disc herniation, ischialgia or lumbago, but only caused by the dysfunction of your SI joint. Well, it is worth trying it. This therapy is not chiropractica, during it SI joint is moved 2-3 mm, totally painless and takes a short time. It is not stressful for the patient as well, this therapy is very soft, and can help almost everyone.

I have learnt this therapy from Tomioka Takatoshi sensei in Fukuoka, (Japan). Previously, I applied chiropractica, Dorn therapy, Bowen therapy etc., this painless and soft japanese therapy proved that it works really effective. I would like to spread it in Hungary and in Europe as well, that is why I organize courses to such professionals (masseurs, physiotherapists, chiropractors etc.), who would like to learn a very effective therapy that can help to solve their patients’ lower-back pain, or who wants to improve their knowledge.

This therapy gives an essential knowledge. During condition surveying, I have noticed several times that one of pelvis do not move as much as the other one. I thought it could not be solved. But, after learning this therapy I realized that the reason itself is the disfunction of S.I joint that can influences the warping of pelvis, moreover the pain that is transmitted into legs (as an effect of the therapy, pain can be solved). Because it is a very soft therapy, it can be applied for spinal disc herniation (S.I joint is treated, not herniation itself). It is important after the course to treat at least 100 patients. I advise to learn this therapy for those who deal with massage, any kind of manual- or spine-therapy. And moreover, for those, who would like to understand why was it impossible to help anyone during the previous therapies having been used. After this knowledge, we can get an explanation of everything

Szilvia SUGÁR


S.I-therapy courses

During these courses you can learn this therapy. We recommend it for masseurs, physiotherapists, chiropractors, doctors, naturopaths etc.

Japanese doctors realized that lower-back pain (in 90%) caused by the disfunction of SI joint (it is a joint between sacro-bone and hip-bone). This joint can move altogether 2-3 mm, so a bad motion can cause disfunction in it and also heavy and long-lasting pain. Their opinion is that the base of the treatment should be to move this SI joint and as a result the tension in this joint end, and even the pain of lower-back decreases or ends.

Professor Hakata thinks that mostly SI joint is responsible for lower-back pain if it is under tension. In many cases, lower-back pain has not been solved after spinal disc herniation has been operated so they started to search the reason of pain in the background. It has been cleared that disfunction of SI joint is the reason of pain. This therapy helps to end this dysfunction.

During these courses you can learn this unique japanese therapy, which helps you to treat your patients without warping or distortion which can be sometimes dreadful for patients.

Course in details:

During the first two hours I give you the book-learning which I have learnt in Japan and in several parts of the world from my masters and also the knowledge I have developed in recent years. After this, anatomy is coming … Do not worry, I show everything with the help of a spine, so you can follow it if you do not deal with this topic nowadays. Then I show the therapy itself in practice. You will make pairs and can practice the motions in active and in passive ways. You can ask of course during the whole course, we will repeat the main points, you can get enough time and attention.


It is important for us that you became an excellent therapist, so this 2-day-long course is followed by a 3-month-long practising term (consultation as well). You should have about 100 treatment (100 treatment!!! not 100 patients!) during this period. After this it will be ended by a practising weekend and an exam.


Of course, you can get help any time during the course itself and later as well.

Program in details:

1. day

10:00 – 12:00 The history of S.I-therapy, joint-kinematics, anatomy

12:00 – 13:00 Lunch break

13:00 – 15:00 Conditional survey and practising the treatment

15:00 – 15:15 Coffee break

15:15 – 18:00 S.I-therapy – practising

2. day

10:00 – 12:00 Repeating and practising

12:00 – 13:00 Lunch break

13:00 – 15:00 Practising in active/passive way

15:00 – 15:15 Coffee break

15:15 – 18:00 S.I-therapy – practising and consulting

Who is the trainer of the course?

Csaba Horváth

The sole European trainer of S.I-therapy

He has worked as medical masseur and spine-therapist for many years and has broadened his knowledge with the help of several foreign masters. He has studied and worked also in Germany and Japan then he decided to make good use of it in Hungary. Since then, he helps those who go to him for help and in the future he would like to impart this knowledge to as many therapists as possible, the knowledge he got from his master and developed.

My masters

Tomioka Takatoshi (AKA terápia)

Peter Bracken (Oszteopátia, Craniosacralis terápia, ízületi mobilizáció és manipuláció)

Silke Dorn (Dorn terápia)

Rudolf Selg (Sport terapeuta)

Dr.Eöry Ajándok (Fül akupunktúra, Akupresszúra)

Bettina Baumgartinger (Bowen Akademie)

Kis Gergely Szabolcs (Ínrakás)

My purpose as a trainer

“I have learned this therapy from Tomioka TAKATOSHI sensei in Japan. Previously, I applied chiropractica, Dorn-therapy, Bowen-therapy etc., but this very soft, painless japanese therapy proved to work very effective. I would be glad if it can spread all over in Hungary (and in Europe). That is why I have courses now for those who would like to broaden their knowledge or would like to learn a therapy that can help those patients whom they could not help previously (for example lower back pain).”


Why do you recommend

the S.I-therapy course?

As a general practitioner it is a real help to solve my patients’ health problems because it is a soft therapy and it is painless. I am very happy to have learnt it

Dr. Ferenc KISS

General practitioner

I like manual therapy very much. During this course I knew a much softer technic as I have ever known. We touch the body in a different way so we can make this therapy much more attractive because it is painless. Instead of painful motions, we use micro and soft motions. I will always use it during my treatments.


Yumeiho and Tuina therapist

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